Who really "discovered" America?
Lief Eirksson reached North America and established a colony called vinland 1000AD.
He left because of trouble with skelings or Natives.
If he wasn't interested in the Bahamas, what was Columbus looking for in the first place?
Spain was fueled by an appetite for gold and fear Portugal lead in explorations.
Columbus kept a reward which did not belong to I'm for spotting land, Samana Cay.
Only gold that was found was in the earrings worn by the Natives
Never reached the main land of the present USA.
Was looking for a direct sea route to China and the indies.
The Indians really discovered America. Who were they and how did they get here?
At the time Columbus arrived there were already millions of Natives.
They came over the Bering sea, on an ice bridge.
Europeans killed 90% of Natives all in the progress, civilization, and Christianity.
If Columbus was so important why don't we live in the United States of Columbus?
It was named after Amerigo Vespucci- an Itallion sailor/explorer.
Where were the first European settlements in the New World?
Spanish roamed over most America before the English arrived.
The Spanish following Columbus began a centur of exploration, colonization, and subjugation.
If the Spanish were there first, what was so important about Jamestown?
1492-1588 explorations, Brought in a lot of gold, Which made them lazy. They Didn't try to develop, or try and get ahead of everyone else.
British defeated the Spanish and destroyed their government.
What was the Northwest Passage?
In 1576 Sir Humphrey first used the term NW passage to describe a sea route around North America as he continued to search for a route to China.
What was the Lost Colony?
Roanoke founded by Sir Walter Raleigh.
Most died or fled into the surrounding tribes.
When and how did Jamestown get started?
Private enterpirse aka wealth and money.
Bad choice of location.
Gentlemen who were not accustomed to hard work.
Many Died.
Did Pocahontas really save John Smith's life?
John Smith wrote the account about her taking his head in her lap.
She was 11 at the time.
John was an adventurer, soldier, privateer.
He was instrumental in Saving the early Jamestown.
Good trader, forager ruled with an iron fist.
Pocahontas eventually got married to John Rolfe.
John Rolfe brought Tobacco, saving the colony economically.
What was the House of Burgesses?
Despite tobacco profits, Jamestown was not doing good.
1619 new management was brought to Virginia Company (founders of Jamestown).
Land owning white males composed a council of law with a governor at it head
Loured by prospect of land 6000 came over in 1624
A census showed only 1277 to be alive, they starved, died in fighting Indians.
King Revoke charter in 1624 now a royal colony.
Who started the slave trade?
Portugal ha 10 black slaves 50years before Columbus
Spain became a major trader
20 Africans brought over to Jamestown by Dutch slaver ship
Who were the pilgrims, and what did they want?
102 passenger, 50 or so were "Pilgrims"
Passengers on the mayflower.
Founded the second permanent English settlement in America.
1 year after Burgesses 1st met the Pilgrims founded the second permanent Eng. settlement
Christopher Jones captain of Mayflower did not follow the correct path
Followed a more Westernly route
Protestant Reformation in England meant turbulent religious times
Some English were Catholic others were not
Puritans though Church of England was too close to Rome so they separated
These Puritans that went so far against the Church of England they were forced out of England or “underground”
Backed financially by London Merchants & Virginia Co. they started for A.
Landed OUTSIDE the range of the Virginia Co.’s land
What was the Mayflower Compact?
Constructed because of threat of Mutiny by Pilgrim leaders
People got rowdy cause they were outside of Virginia Co. land
Considered first constitution in American soil
Did Pilgrims really land at Plymouth Rock?
Brief exploration of Cape Cod then continued on
Found a broad round harbor they recognized from John Smith’s maps
Dec 16 the Mayflower Passengers reached their new home
No mention of Plymouth Rock in any historical account
At least 100 yrs later the rock was carved
Came at a bad time to plant
By spring pnemonia, ill planning, & hard winter cost lives of 52 of them
In March Squanto came 1605. Spoke English, in 1622 died of fever
Wampanoags and Pilgrims became fast friends cause of Squanto
1629-1642 between 14,000 & 20,000 came to West Indies and New England
Most were Puritans brought over by the Massachusetts Bay Company
Dutch founded New Netherland in the Hudson Valley
Hudson himself was in explorer in 1609 who staked claims
Was looking for NW Passage
Dutch became true world power in maritime affairs
Did the Indians really sell Manhattan for 24$?
first Dutch didn't bother to pay for it
1624- Peter minuit met w/ local chiefs
Traded Manhattan for 2,400 cents
from inception dutch new Amsterdam was less pious and more rowdy than puritan
How did New Amsterdam become New York?
Dutch created the wall that became wallstreet
1664- english troops sailed into their harbor
the people were unhappy with the west indies co. they gladly gave it up
swedish colony became dutch easily
swedes brought the log cabins to america
english didn't mess much with New Amsterdam
When did the French reach the New World?
Temporary settlements in New Foundland
1600 – trading post on St. Laurence was founded
Samuel de Champlain key explorer
1608 – founded Quebec
Mainly interested in trading
1629 English pirate capurtued Quebec
Iroquois powerful enemies of French allies
Good explorers
Why is Pennsylvania the Quaker State?
William Penn started the "holy experiment"
Pennsylvania was primalry founded to allow society of friends, quakers a place to worship and to permit religious tolerence for all.
"Thou shall not kill" became a long tradition of quaker pacifism.
What were the thirteen original colonies?
1607- Virginia (Jamestown)
1620- Massachusetts (Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay Colony)
1626- New York (Originally New Amsterdam;; annexed by the english)
1633- Maryland
1636- Rhode Island
1636- Connecticut
1638- Delaware (originally New Sweden; annexed by the Dutch and later the English)
1638- New Hampshire
1653- North Carolina
1663- South Carolina
1664- New Jersey
1682- Pennsylvania
1732- Georgia