Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Ch. 5, Section 2 Notes

1768- British sent troops to Boston, in fear of rebellion. 
March 5, 1770- Boston Massacre, Fight between towns people and soldiers. 
Committee of Correspondence- Set up propaganda for anti-British. 
1773- Tea Act, Save East India Trading Company, but put small colonial merchants out of business. 
December 16, 1773- Boston Tea Party- Sons of Liberty, dresses like Mohawk Indians, threw 342 chests of tea overboard. 
Coercive Acts- Laws intended to punish the colonists, Closed Boston Harbour. 
1774- Quebec Act, Set up a permanent government for Quebec and granted religious freedom for French Catholics.  
Colonist called the laws the Intolerable Acts. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Questions. 1-5 pg. 135

1.)  The British were desperate for a new revenue so they put taxes on everything. The Writs of assistance made it so officers could come in at anytime and search their house for smuggled goods. The Virginia assembly passed a resolution declaring that  it could only lay taxes on the colonists. The colonist were still very angry about to taxes so Sam Adams started a group called the Sons of liberty that burnt down effigies. The colonist boycotted all imported goods, and signed a nonimportation agreement, saying that they would not buy imported goods. Finally they began o beg parliament to repeal the Stamp Act.

2.)  To many taxes were put on the colonies and British forced colonist to stay in the east.

3.)  They were allowed to go into their houses for any reasons and search their houses for smuggled good.

4. ) The Indians were mad at the colonist for taking their land, and the colonist weren’t able to move east after they had fought for the land.

5.)            Sugar Act- Molasses was cheaper; so the British would hope colonist would stop smuggling goods.  Britishh officers could search a house and take any smuggled goods.
Stamp Act- anything on printed paper was taxed. Taxed everybody directly.
Brought up the protestation of the stamp act which lead to it being repealed, but more taxes put in its place. 
Townshend Acts- Put tax on basic imported goods, all supplies colonist would need.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

French and Indian War Project

You group will need to make a video presentation of the following information:

1) Important battles that your group fought in and the outcome (make sure to think about the following: Fort Necessity, Fort William and Henry, The Battle of Carillon, The Battle of Quebec),
2) A map with the battles on it,
3) Famous people connect with your side (you should include a picture of each and should have at least 
3 people),
4) Your group’s strategy for winning the war
5) The outcome of the war and how it effects you
6) You should reenact an important event from the war

This project is worth 120 points.

Each section about is worth 15 points and the quality of the video is worth 30 points.

Notes for Part 3

Date Events Covered 
July 1758 British attack French Fort Carillon [Ticonderoga]on Lake George. 
Conflict between crown and colonial legislatures, especially Massachusetts. 
Under Pitt, colonists start to see themselves as partners with the British in fight for empire. 
Battle of Fort Ticonderoga 
Bradstreet leads attack on French Fort Frontenac 
Crippling British attack against French at Louisbourg 
Corrupt French officials and indifference of French king hinder French war effort. 
On western Pennsylvania frontier smallpox, brought home by warriors, ravages Indian villages 
Forbes prepares to take Fort Duquesne, with Indians as full allies. 

ability to raise money and finance things 

Questions For Part 1, 2, & 3

Part 1
1)What was the significance of the Forks of the Ohio to each of the competing groups?
Both groups have land close to the forks, so whoever gets that land will be in the perfect spot for trade.

2)Why would the British be concerned by the French forts west of the Appalachian Mountains?
Because the French are slowly closing in the British. So the British will have no land to expand. 

3)Which Indians had claims to land at the Forks of the Ohio?
The Iroqouis League.

4) List important individuals in this segment.
Half King, Edward Braddock, George Washington.

5) What qualities did George Washington display as a young military leader? Which of these helped him succeed in his military career?

Part 2
1) How did captive taking hurt or help Indians in the French and Indian War?
It helped them by making their population get bigger. But it also hurt them because of the French would no longer want them to be their Allies. 

2) Why were the Acadians removed from Nova Scotia by the British?

The British make them swear allegiance into the British or leave. 

3) How did lack of cultural understanding increase tensions between allies and shape the progress of the French and Indian War?
 The French thought the Indians way was much different then their way,  and theirs was better. The Indidans thought theirs was better. This started some tension between them. 

4) Compare Johnson and Montcalm’s attitudes towards the Natives.
Montcalm thinks they are savages, and their method of warfare is vicious but not equal to the Europeans way. Johnson is much more respectful to them. He allies with them and has them fight on his side of the battle. 
5) List all the important people in Part II and what they do.
Montcalm – French commander
Braddock – British commander
George Washington – young officer in the British army

Part 3

1) Why the British government and its American colonies change in 1758?

2) How did colonial participation in the war change?

3) What were the reasons for, and the results of, the British victories over the French in 1758?

4) Why was Fort Duquesne important to the British and French?

5) How did General Forbes reach out diplomatically to Indian nations?

6) How did diplomacy contribute to the British victory at Fort Duquesne in 1758?

7) How did the British victory at Fort Duquesne affect the Indians of the
Ohio River Valley?